
Right fit for Your Next Project?
💰 A Cost Evaluation

IT Leaders Webinar

28.07.2023 / start @ 2:00 PM

🎯 Facing challenges with optimizing infrastructure costs and not sure whether to venture into serverless for your next project? We will give you practical knowledge, demystifying serverless and its cost implications.

Together We Will Discover:

  • 💰 The ins and outs of serverless and how it differs from just AWS Lambda
  • 🧮 Analyzing whether serverless is always a cost-effective choice
  • 📊 Understanding the components of serverless infrastructure costs
  • 🔍 Comparing serverless maintenance costs to VMs
  • 🏆 Sharing serverless success stories, and lessons from its failures
  • 🚧 Guiding you to evaluate if serverless is a cost-effective choice for your use-case

Enhance your cost optimization skills, get acquainted with real-life examples, and conquer your doubts about serverless. Say goodbye to Excel analysis and join us on this journey to master your cloud costs! 🚀

Save your spot now and unlock the strategic insights you need to optimize your infrastructure costs with serverless!

Cost Clarity

Gain an in-depth understanding of the true costs involved in serverless technology and how to optimize them for your next project.

Risk Assessment

Analyze potential pitfalls and success stories of serverless, helping you make informed, strategic decisions for your organization.

Practical Guidance

Dive into practical use-cases and estimates to understand whether serverless is the most cost-effective choice for your specific situation.